Study Area

Dataset Overview

Coordinate System PROJCS["NAD_1983_Great_Lakes_Basin_Albers",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",45.568977],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",-84.455955],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",42.122774],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",49.01518],PARAMETER["false_easting",1000000],PARAMETER["false_northing",1000000],UNIT["Meter",1],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH]]
Features 77
Attributes 21
Included Attributes [AREAID, response_r, accept_r, rev_rating, price_pp, room_type, num_spots, poverty, crowded, dependency, without_hs, unemployed, income_pc, harship_in, num_crimes, num_theft, population]
Excluded Attributes {community, shape_len, geometry, shape_area}

Descriptive Statistics

Name AREAID response_r accept_r rev_rating price_pp room_type num_spots poverty crowded dependency without_hs unemployed income_pc harship_in num_crimes num_theft population
Count 77.000 68.000 67.000 67.000 69.000 69.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 77.000
Mean 39.000 94.346 89.465 92.635 73.864 1.718 65.273 21.766 4.923 35.747 20.342 15.373 25563.169 49.506 6870.078 1527.351 35007.766
Std 22.372 6.516 13.727 3.693 35.212 0.401 142.899 11.530 3.683 7.328 11.823 7.543 15293.098 28.691 5879.232 1646.570 22361.946
Min 1.000 68.000 0.000 80.000 14.000 1.000 0.000 3.300 0.300 13.500 2.500 4.700 8201.000 1.000 537.000 104.000 2876.000
25% 20.000 92.340 85.969 91.000 52.700 1.483 2.000 13.200 2.300 32.000 11.800 9.200 15754.000 25.000 2707.000 568.000 18109.000
Median (50%) 39.000 95.073 91.143 93.223 70.000 1.655 7.000 18.900 3.800 38.100 18.500 13.900 21323.000 50.000 4894.000 1081.000 31028.000
75% 58.000 100.000 97.333 94.834 85.860 2.000 39.000 29.200 6.800 40.500 26.600 20.000 28887.000 74.000 9951.000 1748.000 48743.000
Max 77.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 176.376 3.000 741.000 56.500 15.800 51.500 54.800 35.900 88669.000 98.000 34365.000 8783.000 98514.000
Skewness 0.000 -1.792 -4.462 -0.910 0.873 0.819 3.184 0.813 1.231 -0.998 0.718 0.735 1.896 -0.001 1.794 2.785 0.903
Kurtosis -1.200 4.054 27.369 1.476 1.020 1.415 10.464 0.353 1.125 0.608 0.224 -0.012 4.107 -1.199 4.983 8.774 0.282
Unique 77.000 45.000 50.000 64.000 66.000 50.000 42.000 67.000 56.000 66.000 69.000 66.000 77.000 77.000 77.000 76.000 77.000
Null 0.000 9.000 10.000 10.000 8.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Moran's I 0.671 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.538 0.481 0.452 0.622 0.538 0.565 0.588 0.539 0.359 0.505 0.294
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Geary's C 0.320 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.426 0.514 0.566 0.352 0.477 0.425 0.385 0.463 0.658 0.439 0.689
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Dataset Sample

community shape_area shape_len AREAID response_r accept_r rev_rating price_pp room_type num_spots poverty crowded dependency without_hs unemployed income_pc harship_in num_crimes num_theft population
26 WEST GARFIELD PARK 36092848.8151 26238.5419796 26 100.000000 100.000000 92.000000 31.666667 1.000000 1 41.7 9.4 43.6 24.5 25.8 10934 92 11932 1090 18001
57 BRIDGEPORT 58291519.2767 32732.7183268 60 94.636364 86.414634 92.382353 70.756028 1.553191 47 18.9 4.5 31.3 22.2 13.7 22694 43 3278 765 31977
73 MORGAN PARK 91877340.6988 46396.419362 75 85.500000 96.666667 97.000000 67.933333 1.000000 5 13.2 0.8 40.3 10.8 15.0 27149 30 3998 912 22544
56 LAKE VIEW 87214799.2728 51973.0968677 6 91.744917 85.661654 95.073913 121.037288 1.400657 609 11.4 1.1 17.0 2.6 4.7 60058 5 11401 4296 94368
42 BURNSIDE 16995983.2737 18137.9442529 47 NaN NaN NaN 95.000000 2.000000 1 33.0 6.8 42.7 19.3 18.6 12515 79 758 118 2916
15 IRVING PARK 89611382.3106 49083.2240938 16 95.492958 87.746269 95.081967 92.328889 1.573333 75 13.1 6.3 31.6 22.4 10.0 27249 34 5911 1409 53359
28 NEAR WEST SIDE 158492466.554 53003.5929406 28 91.489627 84.547009 94.049020 123.423028 1.465649 262 20.6 3.8 22.2 9.6 10.7 44689 15 16873 6143 54881
45 NORTH CENTER 57054167.85 31391.6697542 5 95.552083 84.750000 94.160494 103.812091 1.372549 102 7.5 0.3 26.2 4.5 5.2 57123 6 2811 995 31867
55 MCKINLEY PARK 39431799.6479 26014.0968371 59 100.000000 100.000000 93.250000 61.733333 1.400000 5 18.7 7.2 35.6 32.9 13.4 16954 61 2139 539 15612
12 NORTH PARK 70288706.4343 41581.9486539 13 84.800000 69.400000 94.400000 74.910714 1.285714 7 13.2 3.9 39.0 14.4 9.9 26576 33 1777 537 17931

Variable Statistics

Count 77.000
Mean 39.000
Std 22.372
Min 1.000
25% 20.000
Median (50%) 39.000
75% 58.000
Max 77.000
Skewness 0.000
Kurtosis -1.200
Unique 77.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.671
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.320
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name response_r
Count 68.000
Mean 94.346
Std 6.516
Min 68.000
25% 92.340
Median (50%) 95.073
75% 100.000
Max 100.000
Skewness -1.792
Kurtosis 4.054
Unique 45.000
Null 9.000
Moran's I NaN
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C NaN
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name accept_r
Count 67.000
Mean 89.465
Std 13.727
Min 0.000
25% 85.969
Median (50%) 91.143
75% 97.333
Max 100.000
Skewness -4.462
Kurtosis 27.369
Unique 50.000
Null 10.000
Moran's I NaN
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C NaN
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name rev_rating
Count 67.000
Mean 92.635
Std 3.693
Min 80.000
25% 91.000
Median (50%) 93.223
75% 94.834
Max 100.000
Skewness -0.910
Kurtosis 1.476
Unique 64.000
Null 10.000
Moran's I NaN
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C NaN
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name price_pp
Count 69.000
Mean 73.864
Std 35.212
Min 14.000
25% 52.700
Median (50%) 70.000
75% 85.860
Max 176.376
Skewness 0.873
Kurtosis 1.020
Unique 66.000
Null 8.000
Moran's I NaN
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C NaN
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name room_type
Count 69.000
Mean 1.718
Std 0.401
Min 1.000
25% 1.483
Median (50%) 1.655
75% 2.000
Max 3.000
Skewness 0.819
Kurtosis 1.415
Unique 50.000
Null 8.000
Moran's I NaN
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C NaN
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name num_spots
Count 77.000
Mean 65.273
Std 142.899
Min 0.000
25% 2.000
Median (50%) 7.000
75% 39.000
Max 741.000
Skewness 3.184
Kurtosis 10.464
Unique 42.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.538
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.426
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name poverty
Count 77.000
Mean 21.766
Std 11.530
Min 3.300
25% 13.200
Median (50%) 18.900
75% 29.200
Max 56.500
Skewness 0.813
Kurtosis 0.353
Unique 67.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.481
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.514
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name crowded
Count 77.000
Mean 4.923
Std 3.683
Min 0.300
25% 2.300
Median (50%) 3.800
75% 6.800
Max 15.800
Skewness 1.231
Kurtosis 1.125
Unique 56.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.452
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.566
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name dependency
Count 77.000
Mean 35.747
Std 7.328
Min 13.500
25% 32.000
Median (50%) 38.100
75% 40.500
Max 51.500
Skewness -0.998
Kurtosis 0.608
Unique 66.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.622
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.352
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name without_hs
Count 77.000
Mean 20.342
Std 11.823
Min 2.500
25% 11.800
Median (50%) 18.500
75% 26.600
Max 54.800
Skewness 0.718
Kurtosis 0.224
Unique 69.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.538
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.477
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name unemployed
Count 77.000
Mean 15.373
Std 7.543
Min 4.700
25% 9.200
Median (50%) 13.900
75% 20.000
Max 35.900
Skewness 0.735
Kurtosis -0.012
Unique 66.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.565
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.425
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name income_pc
Count 77.000
Mean 25563.169
Std 15293.098
Min 8201.000
25% 15754.000
Median (50%) 21323.000
75% 28887.000
Max 88669.000
Skewness 1.896
Kurtosis 4.107
Unique 77.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.588
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.385
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name harship_in
Count 77.000
Mean 49.506
Std 28.691
Min 1.000
25% 25.000
Median (50%) 50.000
75% 74.000
Max 98.000
Skewness -0.001
Kurtosis -1.199
Unique 77.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.539
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.463
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name num_crimes
Count 77.000
Mean 6870.078
Std 5879.232
Min 537.000
25% 2707.000
Median (50%) 4894.000
75% 9951.000
Max 34365.000
Skewness 1.794
Kurtosis 4.983
Unique 77.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.359
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.658
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name num_theft
Count 77.000
Mean 1527.351
Std 1646.570
Min 104.000
25% 568.000
Median (50%) 1081.000
75% 1748.000
Max 8783.000
Skewness 2.785
Kurtosis 8.774
Unique 76.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.505
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.439
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Variable Statistics

Name population
Count 77.000
Mean 35007.766
Std 22361.946
Min 2876.000
25% 18109.000
Median (50%) 31028.000
75% 48743.000
Max 98514.000
Skewness 0.903
Kurtosis 0.282
Unique 77.000
Null 0.000
Moran's I 0.294
p-value (Moran's I) 0.001
Geary's C 0.689
p-value (Geary's C) 0.001

Descriptive Figures

Local Moran

Local Geary

Choropleth Maps

Correlation Heatmaps

Pairwise Plot

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