0 | |
Coordinate System | GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST]] |
Bands | 1 |
Rows | 1591 |
Columns | 2176 |
Cell Resolution | (0.00833333330055147, -0.008333333300439977) |
Extent | (16.048749937, -35.100416305, 34.182083199, -21.842083024) |
Metadata | {'AREA_OR_POINT': 'Area', 'STATISTICS_APPROXIMATE': 'YES', 'STATISTICS_MAXIMUM': 25308.716796875, 'STATISTICS_MEAN': 6803.9646023237, 'STATISTICS_MINIMUM': 131.03439331055, 'STATISTICS_STDDEV': 2887.5034004056, 'STATISTICS_VALID_PERCENT': 46.72, '_FillValue': -3.4028235e+38, 'scale_factor': 1.0, 'add_offset': 0.0} |
Name | Band 1 |
Count | 1630837.0 |
Mean | 6802.371582 |
Std | 2889.723389 |
Min | 127.470993 |
25% | 4645.630859 |
Median (50%) | 6577.031738 |
75% | 8778.405273 |
Max | 66049.945312 |
DataType | float32 |
NoData | -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0 |
Moran's I | 0.994368 |
p-value (Moran's I) | 0.001 |
Geary's C | 0.005652 |
p-value (Geary's C) | 0.001 |
Name | Band 1 |
Count | 1630837.0 |
Mean | 6802.371582 |
Std | 2889.723389 |
Min | 127.470993 |
25% | 4645.630859 |
Median (50%) | 6577.031738 |
75% | 8778.405273 |
Max | 66049.945312 |
DataType | float32 |
NoData | -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0 |
Moran's I | 0.994368 |
p-value (Moran's I) | 0.001 |
Geary's C | 0.005652 |
p-value (Geary's C) | 0.001 |
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Report Saved: 2023-08-20 00:09:20.691855
Generation Time: 13980.927